Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Leggo Man!

The Lego Man, a global icon, has been used as a stencil

in a number of street art works throughout different

countries of the world. Street artists have applied the

Lego man as a stencil. The fact that it is so well known

as an icon makes it recognisable and this can relate to

almost everyone, as the majority of our society have

played with Lego at some point in their lives. In these

works the Lego man has been set in a scene where he’s

used to depict problems and issues of our daily lives in

the world.

Gang related tagging, radiation, thievery and pollution

to our world are examples of the problems depicted in

these works. I consider this type of “message in art

form” to be fun and also very expressive of the ideas

that are trying to be communicated. Graffiti art should

be fun and passionate, in a way that when its seen on

the streets it can have some sort of powerful effect on

people and they can gather emotions from the artwork.

When more works like these with the Lego Man for

instance are created, Graffiti will one day be more

socially accepted and will be appreciated instead

of scorned.

In the mean time these works can still have an influence

on all people in society, where they can view the works

and think about the issues they are faced with. As the

Lego man is a child’s toy character, this can be viewed

as an image of the future. For example a mother could

look at it and think about the issue and relate it to her

child. Would she want her child to be brought up into

these issues or would she want them to be taught the

right way and let her children know right from wrong.

These are the types of communication techniques that

have been utilized well to express the thought.


Pulp Factor (2010) Retrieved May 25, 2010, from


1 comment:

  1. Really cool idea, everyone surely knows the Lego Man! Creative way to show issues in society with something we can all associate ourselves with,
