Sunday, May 30, 2010

Where is he? - Banksy

Banksy, one of the most infamous Graffiti

artists of all time. He has managed to stay

anonymous throughout his career. Banksy uses a

stenciling technique for his graffiti to create his

extraordinary, unique artworks. His works range

from anti government to more personal, cultural

topics. Not only does Banksy do street art but he

also draws and paints. Most of his works can be

witnessed, walking through the streets of London,

England. Banksy’s constant illusiveness enhances

his reputation and this means there is only art to

examine him by.

His goal is to enlighten people on the issues of

todays world that we so easily overshadow and

this means his works create really strong reactions.

This brings me to wonder, is Banksy a really great

underground street artist with a good cause or really

a criminal who vandalises and mocks the government?

That would explain why he is so secretive, because

what he does is VERY illegal.

I do admire Banksy for his works because they are

original and they also send very clear and powerful

messages to the public. I’d say his main message is

that “we are messing up the future of our world”.

At the same time as having a serious message in his

works, they are very witty and humorous and this is

what makes them catch the eye of each and

every individual.


Banksy (date) Retrieved May 26, 2010, from


SaltLake Magazine (2010) Retrieved May 26, 2010, from http://www.saltlakemagazine


AllisonKillKenny (2009) Retrieved May 26, 2010, from http://allisonkilkenny.wordpress.


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