Sunday, May 30, 2010

Literally some of the Best Ever - BestEver

Neil Edward and Hadley Newman are the makers

of Best Ever street art and have been painting for 15

years together. Best Ever works reflect disease, death

and mental disorders within the human race. They

describe their works as “anatomical, mathematical

realism” or “disturbed painterly realism”. What they

are really trying to do is make artworks displaying

that humans are not beautiful as most other works

show, they want the viewer to look at humans as

filthy and abnormal beings.

These two guys paint very strong imagery as a graffiti art

that looks almost like photo realism. This is a fine example

of graffiti mixing with fine art to create an exceptional finished

work. This kind of art is a step above the rest in my

opinion because it is so different from the usual street

art you see. Which most commonly consists of expressive

characters or very impressive graffiti typefaces.

The way these portraits are portrayed is another reason for the

public to begin to make graffiti socially acceptable this is

because the works, although trying to be ugly are in fact

truly beautiful in almost every way. Best Ever is literally

some of the Best ever when it comes to graffiti art and I

believe that their work is amazing and very influential.


DailyArtFixx (2010) Retrieved May 30, 2010, from http://www.dailyartfixx.


Fafinettes - Fafi

1994 was the year Fafinettes came to live. Fafi,

born in Tourlouse France is a street artist who

explores femininity through stereotypes and this is

the foremost idea she brings across in her artworks.

Fafi calls the girls in her works “Fafinettes” which

alongside them she has created a world filled with

creatures, homes and cars and this is called The

Carmine Vault.

Fafi’s big break came when Sony discovered her

works and asked her to design a 6 character toy set

for their time capsule collection. From there Fafi has

since done collections for Adidas, Coca-Cola and

M.A.C cosmetics. Her works have also been featured

in prestigious magazines such as Vogue and Elle.

Fafi’s works are some of my favourite street art works

as shes different from other Graffiti artists with her

feminine and fun characters. Her works appeal to many

females around the world as each and every character

features a stereotype and this is where the character can

connect to the viewer.

I feel that Fafi is a female artist that is inspiring and

influential for other female artists who are trying to make

it out in the art world. Her works are a testimony that any

female can achieve and full fill her dreams as an artist.


Fafi (2009) Retrieved May 28, 2010, from


The Carmine Vault (2009) Retrieved May 28, 2010, from http://

Cracked Ink!

Simon Ormerod, the creator of Cracked Ink, is an

England born New Zealand street artist. Simon’s

forte lies in twisted and monster like characters,

inspired by the caricature works of Miss Misery.

Cracked Ink works are outlined expressive

characters who are usually based on ever day

people but with a humorous aspect about them.

Some of his works remind me of the artworks

used in the movie “James and the Giant Peach”

where the characters are sometimes horrifying at

the same time as being very shy and gleeful. I

enjoy the works of Cracked Ink because they

reflect the urban and graffiti world in a positive

and very artistic manner. The characters usually

can depict emotions and this is what brings

attention to the viewer.

Some Cracked Ink works have been produced in

skate parks, some for skate events as the graphics

on the ramps. These bring out colour and give

more edge to the surroundings. I have always been

a fan of skateboard deck art and this is an artist that

clearly fits into that scene. Very cool.


Cracked Ink (2010) Retrieved May 27, 2010, from http://www.

Cracked Ink (2010) Retrieved May 27, 2010, from http://www.

Where is he? - Banksy

Banksy, one of the most infamous Graffiti

artists of all time. He has managed to stay

anonymous throughout his career. Banksy uses a

stenciling technique for his graffiti to create his

extraordinary, unique artworks. His works range

from anti government to more personal, cultural

topics. Not only does Banksy do street art but he

also draws and paints. Most of his works can be

witnessed, walking through the streets of London,

England. Banksy’s constant illusiveness enhances

his reputation and this means there is only art to

examine him by.

His goal is to enlighten people on the issues of

todays world that we so easily overshadow and

this means his works create really strong reactions.

This brings me to wonder, is Banksy a really great

underground street artist with a good cause or really

a criminal who vandalises and mocks the government?

That would explain why he is so secretive, because

what he does is VERY illegal.

I do admire Banksy for his works because they are

original and they also send very clear and powerful

messages to the public. I’d say his main message is

that “we are messing up the future of our world”.

At the same time as having a serious message in his

works, they are very witty and humorous and this is

what makes them catch the eye of each and

every individual.


Banksy (date) Retrieved May 26, 2010, from


SaltLake Magazine (2010) Retrieved May 26, 2010, from http://www.saltlakemagazine


AllisonKillKenny (2009) Retrieved May 26, 2010, from http://allisonkilkenny.wordpress.


Chalky? - Julian Beever

Julian Beever is an english artist who is famous for

his chalk art on pavements throughout the world.

Julian uses chalk to draw images that virtually come

to life when you look at them from the right angle.

The portraits he produces are practically realistic,

literally 3 dimensional as its disguised as an illusion.

This is what he is so well known for. Some of

Julian's artworks have been known to be so realistic

that he drew pot holes on a road and cars would

literally swerve to dodge them.

This form of street art is exceedingly creative, having

such a realistic drawing using only chalk when it is

usually only children doing pavement and sidewalk

drawings definitely makes a crowd. It lets them

wonder how he made it and leaves them wanting

more. This technique as an artist or designer is what

should be strived for. To get attention and leave people

wanting more!

I really admire Julian's works as they are inspiring,

they capture emotions and they are so well done as a

form of street art.


Rense (2005) Retrieved May 25, 2010, from


HubPages (unknown) Retrieved May 25, 2010, from http://hubpages
